The Art of Reflection
For MoreMind, MoreYoga
“It’s no use going back to yesterday because I was a different person then”
The art of reflection. A sentiment that encourages us to understand our life backwards whilst living it forwards. A process of meaning-making, shining light on what is already known and illuminating shadows to discover the unknown, in the hope of bringing greater awareness in better understanding ourselves and the world around us.
Alice, of Alice In Wonderland, reminds us to be ‘curious and curiouser’. Reflection is not only about looking at the content, but it is an invitation to explore the process. Delve deeper into the hidden meanings through a lens of curiosity, widening perspective and asking yourself the more detailed and specific questions of ‘how?’ and ‘why?’.
‘A reflection sometimes exposes more reality than the object it echoes’ said the Cheshire cat. Be prepared for what reflexivity may invite to the surface. We can be very skilled agents of avoidance, suppressing the unwanted and turning a blind eye to cast those skeletons to the back of the closet, under lock and key. Yet unwanted and suppressed experiences only express in undesirable ways until we give them the air time they deserve; the good, the bad and the ugly. Be brave. And in that bravery, honour honesty. For it is only when we are truly honest with ourselves in reflection that we can gain clarity and deeper insight into what went before, and thus how we move forward.
Click here for the Simple steps for the art of self-reflection…