Is Yoga Your Therapy?
For MoreMind, MoreYoga
Have you ever had a yoga practice that in some way has felt transformative? Where there’s been an inner shift? Something has released and let go, opened up and awakened, or a moment of light that has connected something more deeply? The hip opener that shed the tears; the twist that incited the fire, releasing anger and igniting will and drive; the forward fold that encouraged introspection. Well this is where the real power of yoga lies. Not in the shapes that we make, nor in our social media presence. The magic occurs on the inside. The changes that aren’t visible to others, yet can be observed and experienced over time through our sense of being, how we behave and interact, a sharing of our yogic values.
What I am talking about is catharsis. Transformation and healing. Yoga promotes the idea of coming back to ourselves. With mental health difficulties there can be a sense of imbalance and disconnect. When our thoughts, feelings, actions and behaviours are out of sync with our true nature. When our nervous system is either in over or under drive, our feelings our emotionally disregulated, our thought patterns are stuck, repetitive and largely critical, our higher level cognitive processes and intellect are not reaching their capacity and we are far away from any sense of joy. Yoga Therapy is a powerful healing practice which offers healing across all of these aspects of difficulties.